What is Vernix?
Did you know your baby makes their own lotion?
Did you know your baby makes their own lotion?
It’s called vernix, and it’s amazing stuff! It’s a combination of water, fatty acids, and proteins. Some babies are born with very little and some are born with a lot!
Vernix is a moisturizing barrier for baby’s skin while they’re inside the womb and for several days after birth.
Vernix helps baby regulate their body temperature after birth by reducing evaporation of water from the skin - something that normally cools the body down.
Vernix has antibiotic properties that boost baby’s personal skin microbiome. This is a defense mechanism against harmful microbes!
No need to wash or wipe off this waxy coating off! It will be absorbed into baby’s skin after a day or two. If you would like your baby’s vernix to be left undisturbed, add this request to the birth plan you give to your provider!